Bernardo goes to Hollywood

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Lido no New Yorker

Estava a pensar em escrever um post sobre as peculiaridades de LA. Uma delas era o facto de nunca (repito: nunca) ter visto um polícia de giro (vulgo a andar a pé). Hoje deparei-me com isto no The New Yorker.

Palavras para quê? (Por acaso este ditado aqui não funciona bem por razões óbvias...)

The pursuit of Happiness

In 2004, California led the nation (as it always does) with 7321 car pursuits. Sheriff Baca explains what he calls "these mechanized bull fights". "First in LA we don´t have enough cops, which creates an atmosphere like an open shooting gallery" (New York City has nearly twice as many police officers as LA though it has two million fewer people and is one-thirteenth as large) "Second, we have more idiots than anywhere else. Third our idiots are highly mobile. A criminal without a car in Southern California is going to be a lonely man".

Nota do transcriba: Devo ser o único Angelino sem carro. Me sinto só.


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